Saturday, 21 May 2016

Apple & Cinnamon Tea Cake Recipe

Hello Everyone! Today I am back again with a baking post! I have been making this cake for the past couple weekends for my mum, step dad and I and by the end of the day its gone! This cake is really good when warm and with a nice cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate.

125g of Unsalted Butter at Room Tempertaure
1 Cup of White Sugar
2 Eggs
1 Tablespoon of Vanilla Extract
1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon
2-3 Peeled Granny Smith Apples
2 Cups of Self-Raising Flour
1 Cup of Milk
Extra Cinnamon for Dusting

Preheat oven to 200 Degrees Celcius
Line a circular tin with baking paper

With an electric mixer (I used the Kenwood Mixer with a Paddle Attachment) cream the butter until pale and creamy then mix in your sugar.

Add Eggs one at a time, making sure each one is well combined before adding the next.

Add your vanilla extract and cinnamon combining in between.

Add your flour alternating with your milk making sure to mix well in-between (some flour, some 
milk, some flour, some milk etc)

Pour into your prepared pan and make sure to smooth over the top with a knife or spatula

With your Apples you want to cut them super thin and place them in a spiral pattern on top (if you are confused hopefully the photo helps)

Sprinkle some cinnamon over the top, doesn't matter how much, go right for it if you would like!

Bake for 25-30 minutes

This is one of my favourite cakes. The only bad thing is it doesn't taste very nice after about 2 days but it tastes so good on the day of; when its still warm so I recommend eating it then with a hot drink. Tweet me or tag me on instagram if you make this cake (username: @kaylahopeblog ) because I would love to see your photos! Thank you for tuning in and I will probably see you next week!

Love You All

Kayla x

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Top 5 Body Moisturisers and Lotions

Hello Everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been so busy in my first year in high school that I haven't had time to type up a half decent most for you all. I feel so bad for not posting in so long so I decided to quickly type up this post for you guys! Today I will be sharing with you my top 5 favourite Body moisturisers and lotions. As you probably know it is getting colder in Australia which means my skin starts getting drier meaning I need to moisturise. These are not in any particular order these are just 5 moisturisers I absolutely adore!

Lush Dream Cream Body Lotion: I received this in a gift box for christmas and I love this so much. It leaves my skin so soft and it is perfect for my hands and feet. I love using this lotion for my hands because it is a bit greasy for the rest of my body. My hands get super dry and after a single application of this my hands are like a babies bum.

Ari by Ariana Grande Body Lotion: I got this in a set along with the perfume and hair mist and it smells amazing! Not only does it moisturise my whole body perfectly it leaves me smelling soon good!!! The packaging is also super cute!

The Body Shop Shea Body Butter: As this is a body butter this is super moisturising. If you are having one of those days when your skin is super dry then this is the product for you.

Zoella Beauty Candy Cream Softening Body Lotion: I love every single one of Zoe's Products and this being one of my favourites. This body lotion is from the Tutti Fruity Rage meaning it has an amazing fruity summery scent which I absolutely love! This lotion contains small little bursting beads which make you smell even better!

Vaseline Intensive Care Spray Moisturiser: I think this is probably my favourite. This moisturiser has a spray making it so easy to apply. I love this moisturiser because all you have to do is spray a quick wipe and it soaks in really quickly and is not greasy at all!

I hope you enjoyed this quick little post and I hope it helped if you are currently looking for a moisturiser. Hopefully I will talk to you soon.

Love You All

Kayla xx
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